Soil is one of the most critical elements in healing our planet. As Soil Expert John Rasic puts it, “Soil is the holy mother to all forms of life that we know of. Soil doesn’t need us, we need the soil that was there before us and it will be there after us. If the soil collapses and dies it will take humanity with it.” At Earthmade, we recognize the importance of good soil, and we aim to make sure that we are always putting good back into the earth and soil with everything we do.
While we work diligently to replenish soil through our food growth, there is another way that EVERYONE can help the soil – through composting! By using compost, you return organic matter and nutrients to the soil in a form readily useful to plants. Organic matter improves plant growth by helping to break heavy clay soils into a better texture, by adding water and nutrient-holding capacity to sandy soils, and by adding essential nutrients to any soil.
Compost can be added to soil to help plants grow. It is typically made up of material such as leaves, shredded twigs, food scraps, and yard waste. Food scraps and yard waste together currently make up more than 30% of what we throw away and could be composted instead. With Halloween just around the corner, you will have the perfect opportunity to put your skills to the test by composting your used pumpkins! We can truly achieve a 100% Good, Zero Bad environment if we all work together!