Alternative proteins are plant-based and food-technology alternatives to animal protein. They include food products made from plants (for example, grains, legumes and nuts), fungus (mushrooms), algae, insects and even cultured (lab-grown) meat. These alternatives are often used for people who follow vegetarian or vegan diets, and are also hailed as sustainable solutions for the growing food crises. Popular brands of these plant-based food products include Beyond Meat and Oatly.
In recent months, these meat alternative brands have not been performing well financially. Why?
What is clear is that sustainability alone does not provide sufficient motivation for most people to change their eating habits formed over a lifetime…especially if what you’re offering is more expensive, doesn’t taste as good, and isn’t obviously any better for you. There must be more immediate, compelling purchase drivers as well. There’s still a food crisis, and our planet is still suffering…so what will encourage consumers to stay invested in these types of alternatives?
Johnny Ream (partner at Stray Dog Capital, which has invested in multiple firms in the meat, dairy, and egg alternatives space) says simply, “Things are changing with younger demographics. All the evidence that we see points to the fact that health [or perceived health benefits] more than anything else is what’s driving the purchasing, and some people are willing to pay a little bit more for that.” So there is still hope, and one thing’s for certain – Earthmade not only helps create products that are good for our planet but also for our health! It’s a win-win!