Agricultural pesticides do more than just harm our produce. They also have a significant effect on local wildlife too. In addition to harming land animals, pesticides can have a drastic effect on rivers and their unique ecosystems. A recent report shows that crucial species to England’s river ecosystem are slowly being wiped out by pesticides and pharmaceutical chemicals.
Conservationists say rivers are showing greater signs than ever of “chemical stress” and, as a result, are home to fewer riverfly species that are a key sign of healthy ecosystems. They believe this summer’s drought, which brought low water levels, will have made chemicals more concentrated and exacerbated the damage they cause.
In the report, a representative of the Pesticide Collaboration states: “It often takes decades to realize the true harm of pesticides and other chemicals on our environment. Once the damage is done and a pesticide gets banned, a new chemical will enter the market… and so it goes on. Enough is enough.” And at Earthmade, we couldn’t agree more! We pride ourselves on our zero chemical, zero residue approach to agriculture. We are making it our mission to ensure not only the health of our population, but also the health of every other species on the planet.
Read the report here: https://www-independent-co-uk.cdn.ampproject.org/c/s/www.independent.co.uk/climate-change/news/pesticides-chemicals-river-pollution-wildlife-b2147754.html?amp