During the last couple of years, major events have deeply impacted the Agriculture industry…the first being the COVID-19 Pandemic. At the height of business closures and uncertainty, American farm operations never stopped running, and farmers across the nation pivoted and adapted to meet the needs of consumers. Earthmade followed suit by leaning into the challenges and uncertainty. We stayed on top of our research while staying fully operational, and were able to continue our mission of putting 100% Good into our food supply.
Another major impact during the past couple years has been the influx of natural disasters, from East Coast hurricanes to West Coast wildfires. These unpredictable weather events contribute to the instability of the industry, as their impacts can create lasting effects on farmers and their crops. With each disaster, farmers across the country watched the fate of their hard work rest in the hands of the forces of nature. Luckily, Earthmade has been able to navigate these weather events by adapting to emergency weather conditions and leaning on other Earthmade farms across the globe that have been unaffected.
Something else that has impacted the industry over the past few years is heightened agricultural awareness. It began picking up speed at the start of 2020 as more consumers expressed an interest in their food source, and more companies began noticing this trend. The COVID-19 pandemic revealed the importance of a resilient, domestic food chain to the front and center of the public eye. Earthmade took notice of these trends, and in the years since, praises the perseverance and dedication of Earthmade farmers across the globe that keep our nation sustained in the face of unprecedented obstacles.