What should gardeners do in November? November is a great time for gardeners to rake leaves (to use for mulch or compost), add organic matter to flower borders and other garden beds, and cover compost piles so rain does not deprive it of nutrients. Also, November is a good time for general garden maintenance, tidying and pruning, and planting bulbs for tulips, daffodils, and crocuses.
What should farmers do in November? November is a transition month. The beginning of the month is a sprint to finish fall field work including sunflower harvest, fall spraying, and hay hauling. As fall is most notable for the harvest season, farmers should run combines through their fields to harvest their crops, and should either store them in grain bins on their own farm, or take them to a local co-op for storage and eventual sale.
What can you do in November to stay green? With the lead-up to Thanksgiving, try to minimize trips to the market. During your meals, if the gravy boat capsizes or the cranberry sauce revolts, remember that you don’t need paper towels to cope – use cloth dish towels and napkins instead. While plotting your next gardening venture, opt to go organic, or better yet, go Earthmade! Lastly, do the earth and your wallet a favor by keeping your energy bills low as temperatures drop – turn the dial down or get a programmable thermostat.