We HEART Earthmade strawberries! Strawberries contain powerful heart-healthy boosters like ellagic acid and flavonoids that can provide an antioxidant effect that can benefit heart health by 1) counteracting the bad cholesterol in the blood 2) providing an anti-inflammatory effect, which is also good for the heart. Lastly, Earthmade strawberries are sustainably grown, making them healthy for you AND the planet! We love it!
Earthmade strawberries are packed with vitamin SEE! Did you know strawberries are good for your eye health and vision? Our eyes require vitamin C to protect them from exposure to free-radicals from the sun’s harsh UV rays. Vitamin C also plays an important role in strengthening the eye’s cornea and retina. Earthmade’s VISION is a solution for healthy and sustainable products without the use of any harmful chemicals or heavy metals, while providing the farming industry an efficient and effective way to maintain their yields and preserve their land and environment.
Earthmade strawberries are worth the WEIGHT! Because strawberries are naturally low in calories, fat-free and low in both sodium and sugar, they are a great snack alternative for maintaining a healthy weight in order to prevent diabetes and heart disease. Watch out for Earthmade strawberries hitting local Walmart produce sections soon!